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Helpful Ways to Manage Your Arthritis


Arthritis is a general term referring to a range of conditions that involve pain and inflammation in the joints. As a trusted provider of medical care, Vijay Patel, MD recommends these self-management tips to manage your arthritis symptoms:

  • Manage your weight
    Medical research shows that being overweight contributes to arthritis pain and complications. It also increases the stress on the joints, particularly the ones in the hips and knees. As a Family Clinic in New Jersey, we suggest you undergo gradual weight loss by following a healthy diet. Include lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole foods in your diet.
  • Avoid smoking
    Smoking tobacco causes stress on the body’s connective tissues that lead to increased arthritis pain. So if you are addicted to tobacco, now is the time to quit.
  • Do physical exercise
    Engage in activities that build the muscles around your joints, such as stretching and low-impact exercises. You can try walking and cycling in your neighborhood. This will also help in managing your weight.

For proper medical care, be sure to go to your regular appointments with your doctor and follow their treatment recommendations. Our internal medicine doctor in Matawan, New Jersey, would also be glad to be of help for any of your medical concerns. For inquiries, you may reach us at 732-709-8200.

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