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For a Healthier Life, Start Your Weight Loss Journey


With the long quarantine we have had during the pandemic, some people notice their casual attires start becoming tight. They refer to this as COVID-15, a pun intended for gaining 15 pounds after spending long hours sitting every day. If you have gained weight over the past few months, you are not alone! At our family clinic in New Jersey, we provide patient-tailored treatments and lifestyle checks to help people like you put off that stubborn weight.

Through proper medical care, consistency, and discipline, you can surely achieve your weight goals with these steps:

  • Opt for Foods Rich in Fiber
    Fruits and vegetables are the ultimate go-to when losing weight. They contain low fats and calories and more fiber. Plus, they carry essential vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy during and after your weight loss journey.
  • Stop Stocking on Junk Food
    Having junk foods easily accessible at home only increases your temptation to break your diet plan.
  • Limit Alcohol Intake
    Calories from alcoholic beverages can add up pretty easily. A couple of drinks already adds 500 or more calories.
  • Eat Slowly
    It takes an average of 20 minutes for the digestive system to tell the brain you’re full. Practice yourself to stop eating even before you are full. Also, use smaller plates to get used to eating small portions without feeling hungry.

These tips are just some of the dietary practices recommended if you want to lose weight. If you need a more personalized approach, visit our internal medicine doctor in Matawan, New Jersey, Vijay Patel, MD. We’d be glad to be a part of your journey to a healthier life!

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